Thursday, April 29, 2010

BREAKING GROUND: A Beginners Guide for Nonprofit Developers

This informational brochure gives step by step instructions for people interested in starting a nonprofit real estate development business. The brochure starts off by explaining in very concrete terms how to assess whether or not an organization is ready to start a nonprofit real estate development business and tells you what you need to have in order to be ready. The brochure continues by giving people questions to ask themselves before starting such a business, and explains the different roles that a nonprofit can play in the community as well as the different forms a real estate business can take as a nonprofit. In addition, the brochure covers what types of people such a business should include (how to structure your business), what types of funding are available and how to get it, how to know your neighborhood's needs and facilitate community engagement, and how to manage a budget. The brochure also explains the lending process that businesses need to be aware of before starting a nonprofit real estate development business (which was informative for me). This explained a lot of things for me about the inner workings of nonprofit real estate development by revealing everything in a simple, clear, and understandable manner.
You guys should check this out:

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